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Meet (Y)our Team

We should say 'your team', because that's what we are.

An agency like ours requires a special set of people – ones who can mesh multiple creative disciplines, can blend smarts & arts, and who can work quickly & thoroughly. Thank goodness we found them. Check out some of our senior staff below.


London, Toronto & Los Angeles

Aly, aka “El Presidente”, is weirdly obsessed with Latin (hence the agency name). She's always in 3 timezones at once, so it's presumed she has sent emails in her sleep.

Aly MacGregor

Creative Lead


John, aka “J-Lo”, is based out of our Toronto office. He is a bonafide brand builder, and has been known to ‘pop a wheelie on the zeitgeist’. What's that, you ask? Why not ⬇️

Johnathon Lovett

PR Account Manager


Farrah, aka “The Butterfly”, is super old school in that she still memorises phone numbers. She's the mum of our first Reicura baby, and thusly has a network of built-in babysitter colleagues when she and husband Erik (below) need a date night.

Farrah Sinclair

Account Manager


Lauren, aka “Lo", has worked with everyone from K-pop stars to major banks which has made her an expert in navigating nuance. Almost as much of an expert as she is in eating kimchi.

Lauren Kim

Design Lead


Nick, aka “Jolly Old Saint”, is the type of design obsessive who will point out how "the kerning is off on the pub menu". As if that wasn't annoying enough, he also eats Marmite with everything.

Nick Shreeves

Advertising Account Manager


Belle, aka "Ads R'Us", has consumed more hours of television and media content than the rest of us combined. She can probably name a commercial if you badly hummed 4 seconds of its jingle.

Belle Xi

Development Lead


Richie, aka "20/20", is a true whiz at building things using his hands and no other materials except alphanumeric characters (get it? 'cos he's into code?). Don't ask him his opinion on the better out of whisky, bourbon, and scotch - he'll talk your ear off.

Richie Fallon

Data & Research Specialist


Jessie, aka “The Jiant”, supports Leeds United for some reason. But to make up for it (only slightly), he takes pleasure out of combining data with digital to make dollars/pounds/euros.

Jessie Granis

Senior Publicist


Holly, aka “The Rodeo Clown", is the team darts throwing champion and brings that same precision and skill to her journalist pitching. Looks very quiet but is actually exceptionally loud.

Holly Overland

Digital Brand Coordinator


Rachel, aka “Radler”, is the true definition of a digerati. She combines her social media obsession with her digital-first background to generate content & campaigns that'll make your bottom line sing.

Rachel Radley



Erik, aka “The Dictionsaurus”, is such a Gooner that he's only missed one match in the past 5 years, for the birth of his child. None of us are at all annoyed that he uses 3 words when he could use 1.

Erik Meyer

Ecommerce Specialist

Los Angeles

Liz, aka "Lizard Queen", not only knows every obscure ecommerce acronym under the sun, but can run a model to show where you're losing online dollars better than any finance bro.

Liz Herlin

Production Artist


Same, aka "Flirt With the Camera", lives full-time in the space between advertising and branding. We've all learned to leave him alone when he has an AirPod in one ear and a furrowed brow - he's about to develop something genius.

Sam Wilson

Creative Brand Specialist


Carmen, aka “An Avocado”, is chronically online (quite literally) and only communicates through TikTok sounds and memes. Her creative research skills are second only to her campaign conceptualisation skills.

Carmen Ly

Office Manager

London & Toronto

Rielle, aka “Hey, You”, is such a great navigator that she still gets lost coming to work despite living a mere 15 minutes away. In her rare spare time, she's been known to adopt stray cats, dogs, and people.

Rielle Mathison

Aly MacGregor
London, Toronto & Los Angeles
Aly, aka “El Presidente”, is weirdly obsessed with Latin (hence the agency name). She's always in 3 timezones at once, so it's presumed she has sent emails in her sleep.
Johnathon Lovett
Creative Lead
John, aka “J-Lo”, is based out of our Toronto office. He is a bonafide brand builder, and has been known to ‘pop a wheelie on the zeitgeist’. What's that, you ask? Why not ⬇️
Farrah Sinclair
PR Account Manager
Farrah, aka “The Butterfly”, is super old school in that she still memorises phone numbers. She's the mum of our first Reicura baby, and thusly has a network of built-in babysitter colleagues when she and husband Erik (below) need a date night.
Nick Shreeves
Design Lead
Nick, aka “Jolly Old Saint”, is the type of design obsessive who will point out how "the kerning is off on the pub menu". As if that wasn't annoying enough, he also eats Marmite with everything.
Richie Fallon
Development Lead
Richie, aka "20/20", is a true whiz at building things using his hands and no other materials except alphanumeric characters (get it? 'cos he's into code?). Don't ask him his opinion on the better out of whisky, bourbon, and scotch - he'll talk your ear off.
Belle Xi
Advertising Account Manager
Belle, aka "Ads R'Us", has consumed more hours of television and media content than the rest of us combined. She can probably name a commercial if you badly hummed 4 seconds of its jingle.
Kristin Jeffrey-Hunt
Social Designer & Coordinator
Kristin, aka “Kris”, is our resident collector of cool tattoos & all things weird. Her toxic trait is critiquing every piece of design on the street, and she can sense an incoming e-mail before it even happens.
Jessie Granis
Data & Research Specialist
Jessie, aka “The Jiant”, supports Leeds United for some reason. But to make up for it (only slightly), he takes pleasure out of combining data with digital to make dollars/pounds/euros.
Holly Overland
Senior Publicist
Holly, aka “The Rodeo Clown", is the team darts throwing champion and brings that same precision and skill to her journalist pitching. Looks very quiet but is actually exceptionally loud.
Liz Herlin
Ecommerce Specialist
Los Angeles
Liz, aka "Lizard Queen", not only knows every obscure ecommerce acronym under the sun, but can run a model to show where you're losing online dollars better than any finance bro.
Erik Meyer
Erik, aka “The Dictionsaurus”, is such a Gooner that he's only missed one match in the past 5 years, for the birth of his child. None of us are at all annoyed that he uses 3 words when he could use 1.
Rachel Radley
Digital Brand Coordinator
Rachel, aka “Radler”, is the true definition of a digerati. She combines her social media obsession with her digital-first background to generate content & campaigns that'll make your bottom line sing.
Sam Wilson
Production Artist
Same, aka "Flirt With the Camera", lives full-time in the space between advertising and branding. We've all learned to leave him alone when he has an AirPod in one ear and a furrowed brow - he's about to develop something genius.
Carmen Ly
Creative Brand Coordinator
Carmen, aka “An Avocado”, is chronically online (quite literally) and only communicates through TikTok sounds and memes. Her creative research skills are second only to her campaign conceptualisation skills.
Rielle Mathison
Office Manager
London, Toronto & Los Angeles
Rielle, aka “Hey, You”, is such a great navigator that she still gets lost coming to work despite living a mere 15 minutes away. In her rare spare time, she's been known to adopt stray cats, dogs, and people.

Thinking about joining our lovely little team of creatives around the world? Check out our careers page.